Due to global warming, our country in general and Lanchkhut Municipality in particular need to adapt to the current reality in terms of environmental protection and sustainable local development.
The goal of the Lanchkhut Municipality Green Project is to ensure the sustainable development of the Lanchkhut Municipality, the creation of clean, attractive and decent living conditions for the population through the creation, institutionalization and implementation of the Green Municipality medium-term strategy and action plan in cooperation with local authorities and the civil sector.
The objectives of the project are to form a working group to develop a strategy and action plan for the Green Lanchkhuti municipality and develop the necessary knowledge and skills among the members of the group; Carrying out activities to scan the existing natural environment of the municipality, identifying the needs for adaptation to global warming and recording the results; Formation and institutionalization of the medium-term strategy and implementation plan of the Green Lanchkhuti municipality.
A memorandum will be signed between the Lanchkhuti Information Center and the Lanchkhuti City Hall, which will specify the rules for cooperation. It will be important to form a competent and motivated working group to develop a strategy and implementation plan for the green municipality. The group will consist of 12 members, 6 of which are from the mayor's office, 4 from the civil sector and 2 experts. The members of the formed working group will increase their knowledge and skills in such issues as the development of strategic plans, management and monitoring, environmental scanning, research methodology, situation analysis and rules for reflection in the green municipality strategy.
The project is planned to describe the state of the environment and organize a survey of the population and three focus groups with a total of 45 participants, both activities will involve beneficiaries in the implementation of the project. A total of 500 respondents will be surveyed in the municipality.
The working group will meet 10 times. The current situation will be considered - a profile, a SWOT analysis will be developed, on the basis of which it will be possible to form a vision of the future, reflect project directions, goals and specific projects to realize this vision. Finally, the Green Lanchkhuti Medium Term Strategic Plan and Implementation Plan will be ready for presentation to the Municipal Council. The plans will be presented by the mayor of the municipality. The strategy and implementation plan of the "Green Lanchkhuti" municipality will be discussed in all commissions and factions of Sakrebulo. Finally, the strategy and plan will be approved by the board, making their implementation mandatory.
As a result of the implementation of the project, the medium-term strategy and implementation plan of the Green Lanchkhuti municipality developed and adopted by the local representative body will have a special function. In particular, it will ensure the sustainable and environmental development of residents of 55 villages and one city. , which will ultimately improve the living conditions of 31,000 residents. municipality.
The project is implemented by the Lanchkhuti Information Center Union in partnership with the Mayor's Office of Lanchkhuti Municipality and in cooperation with the Lanchkhuti Municipality Council. Implementation period 6 months. The project is funded by the Caucasus Ecological Network (CENN) project “Georgian Climate Program (GEO-CAP): Facilitating Civil Society Participation in the Development and Implementation of Climate Change Policy”. This project is funded by the European Union.